Honey, I’m fucking a stranger, would you like to lick my pussy

  • Dauer: 5:09
  • Views: 678
  • Datum: 01.02.2024
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My darling, we’ve been a couple for so long now and we’re really starting to run out of steam, I’m just missing something when it comes to sex! You have to be strong now because I’ve been fucking strangers with different men for some time now. But I’m no longer in the mood for short quickies after shopping so that you don’t notice anything, from now on I want to fully enjoy my passion for cheating and spend whole evenings, nights and even weekends with my lovers and get fucked hard! I’ll explain to you in detail what turns me on and what doesn’t. You now have two options: separation, or becoming part of my game, in which you are guaranteed to get your money’s worth if you get involved! It will be messed up, I promise.

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